Word Dietary Analysis

For each 3 days individually, and then averaged across the 3 days

    • Energy Intake
    • Energy Expenditure
    • Energy Balance (the difference between energy expenditure and intake)
    • Daily
      • Carbohydrate
      • Fat
      • Protein
    • Pre-exercise carbohydrate (amount and glycemic index)


  • Short introduction, giving details on the athlete and what was analyzed (almost imagine you were writing a Discussion).
  • Systematically address components of the diet (i.e. energy balance, carbohydrate intake, protein intake, fat intake)
    • Describe the athlete’s current intake
    • Compare to recommendations and current nutrition guidelines
    • Discuss the implications of the athlete’s current dietary practice (i.e. what is the physiological implications for performance, training adaptation, recovery, general well-being)
    • Provide recommendations for the diet, with justification
  • Briefly summarize your findings and bring them all together


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