This assignment focuses on Sexually transmitted diseases. There is also a description of  engaging in effective communication. Write out a role-play conversation between the partners in which they make use of effective verbal and nonverbal communication strategies

Sexually transmitted diseases : engaging in effective communication

Sexually transmitted diseases. Imagine a scenario in which two partners are discussing getting tested for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). In this scenario, the partners demonstrate through discussion their understanding of the symptoms of STIs, the methods used to test for STIs. And the way in which STIs ar treated as well as their capacity to engage in effective communication with one another about this sensitive topic. Write out a role-play conversation between the partners in which they make use of effective verbal and nonverbal communication strategies (including active listening. “I” statements, and emotional validation) to discuss getting tested for and the possibility of getting treated for STIs.

Sexually transmitted diseases : engaging in effective communication

At the end of your role play, produce a brief, 1-paragraph summary of how effective communication used. Your script must be at least 650 words long. Your script should demonstrate accurate knowledge of sexually transmitted diseases, and how to test for them as well as knowledge of communication strategies. Use at least 2 references to support your work. If you would like. Besides, you may write a script for a couple that differs from your personal experience (culturally or in terms of orientation. For example) or even write a script detailing how you would convince two clients of yours to get tested.

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