The assignment describes Accounting Company Review. Additionally, there is an analysis of industry Liquidity. So, provide company background and also industry background.

Accounting Company Review – Industry Liquidity Analysis

Description This assignment is to do a complete analysis of a firm. This is the culmination of the accounting you have learned all semester and the ratio analysis you have been doing in the discussion assignments. You can choose any firm that you would like to. Your goal is to provide insight into your company. You should provide company background and also industry background. For the ratio analysis–at a minimum the ratio analysis should include each of the main areas—profitability, solvency, liquidity, and activity/efficiency—so the ratio analysis part of the paper is somewhat like 4 discussion assignments with a primary ratio in each of the 4 categories. But unlike the discussions where you are looking at only one primary ratio here you are trying to tie things together from each of the main ratio areas.

Accounting Company Review – Industry Liquidity Analysis

For example, how is solvency affecting profitability? In some firms each area is fairly distinct and not affected so much by the other areas. However, in other firms—especially in firms that are struggling different areas can have a profound and sometimes spiraling impact on the others. The best way to achieve bonus points is to design your own ratio. If you design a ratio that provides particular insight into your company you will receive bonus points. Your goal is provide substantial insight into your firm through the background, industry, and ratio analysis.

Accounting Company Review – Industry Liquidity Analysis

This is a comprehensive project and so it should be a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 15 double-spaced pages (the cover page, exhibits, and references do not count toward the page count). The paper should include a cover sheet with your name, your section, and the name of the company on it. The paper should include page numbers and be double spaced. You will lose up to 5 points if you do not follow the instructions in this paragraph.

Detailed Instructions


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