Many people, young and old, have math anxiety, and it is contagious. The sources of math anxiety may be poor early math skills, stereotypical prejudices, and the transmission of math anxiety from parents to their children. Neurological research shows math anxiety can lower a person’s mathematical achievement, which causes even more math anxiety—a vicious circle (Durrance, 2019). Math teachers must not only employ evidence-based instructional methods but must also be advocates for a positive perspective about mathematics.

In this assignment, you will create a blog post synthesizing your learning and advocating for a universal positive perspective for the importance and accessibility of mathematics for all.

Step 1. Reflect
Reflect upon your own experiences learning and teaching mathematics and upon what you have learned in this course. Jot down key memories, achievements, or “aha!” moments regarding your experiences.

Reflect also upon how others’ experiences with mathematics differ. List reasons you think people have math anxiety.

Step 2. Study
Study mathematics performance achievement data in your school or district and employment types and data in your community. Study college enrollment and completion numbers for your district and/or state. Make note of any possible correlations.

Step 3. Interview
Interview at least two teachers who teach subjects other than math or science regarding their experiences with mathematics and their perceptions of the importance and accessibility of understanding mathematical concepts.

Follow up the interviews with notes of thanks for the teachers’ time and opinions.

Step 4. List
List at least 5 concrete actions mathematics teachers could take to lessen or remove math anxiety from their students and from their students’ parents or guardians.

Step 5. Compile
Compile your work from Steps 1-4 along with a personal philosophy of the importance of mathematics into a persuasive blog post of approximately 200 words. The intent of your post should be to advocate for positive perspectives on mathematics to lessen negative attitudes toward the subject. Include relevant data, inspirational quotations, and/or historical events to support your advocacy. Create a catchy title and use differences in formatting to add interest to the blog.

Step 6. Post
Post your blog on a free site such as those listed on the Learning Objects page. Submit the URL for the blog in the assignment portal.