The assignment focuses on Analyses of the show “The Front.”. Also, there is a description of the use of metatelevision or metafiction. So, to again write 1000 words analyzing some point that you will make.

Analyses of the show “The Front.”-the use of metatelevision or metafiction

The second research paper be more complex than the last one. For this one, you will also cite from the essay. “ ‘And the Rest Writes Itself’. Roland Barthes Watches TheSimpsons” (again, found in the PDF above), AND ANOTHER SOURCE THAT YOU WILL FIND, and the episode of the show “The Front.” You will need to again write 1000 words analyzing some point that you will make connecting these two things. Remember, do not summarize or give your opinion of the show—nor write a review of it). You must have a clear specific thesis, citations, and adequate analysis to prove your argument. While there is a transcript of the episode here, it is not complete; however, it should suffice if you need to refresh your memory about any scenes or action from the episode.

Analyses of the show “The Front.”-the use of metatelevision or metafiction

Topics may be: The use of stereotypes (such as those from the last episode discussed, or new ones). The use of binarisms as stated in the essay and how they employed here (for this one, you will need to go beyond Arnold and provide further examples, or contradict his). The steps of signification are broadly listed here as a reminder: Signifier(1).docx Click for more options How does the episode work within what we expect from a tv show and how does it not? That is, how does the show “write itself”—what are the tv clichés exploited and how are they treated? Or, how are the conventions of storytelling used or avoided– The use of metatelevision or metafiction—how is the show self-referential or referential to other media examples (movies etc…) and what could that mean? Examine the use of voyeurism in the episode and our complicit capacity with it. 

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