This assignment focuses on Analysis of environmental pollution Globally. There is also a description of  daily data from stations in Krakow. So, make short report on single pollutant

Analysis of environmental pollution Globally : daily data from stations in Krakow

Analysis of environmental pollution in different regions of the World – internet databases. In its most literal sense, ‘environment’ simply means ‘surroundings’ (environs); hence the environment of an individual, object, element or system includes all of the other entities with which it is surrounded. However, in reality, individuals, objects, elements and systems rarely exist in isolation; instead, they tend to interact to varying extents with their surrounding entities. Therefore, it is not particularly helpful to conceptualise the ‘environment’ without including in that conceptualisation some notion of relationship.

Analysis of environmental pollution Globally : daily data from stations in Krakow

Individuals, objects, elements and systems influence – and are in turn influenced by – their surroundings. Indeed, the networks of relationships that exist between different entities may, in some cases, be extensive and highly complex. Thus the ‘environment’ may be regarded as a ‘space’ or a ‘field’ in which networks of relationships, interconnections and interactions between entities occur. To those who have studied the science of ecology, such a conceptualisation will be familiar, since ecologists are concerned with both the biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living) components of environmental systems – and especially with the interactions of those components.

Paper details:

Perform Your report based on daily data from stations in Krakow. make short report on single pollutant (choose one from those indicated in instruction) i have added the instruction, if you go to the “goal” you will find the task.

Detailed Instructions


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