This paper focuses on Hiroshima by John Hersey.  You will also be expected to analyze and critique the book in addition to describing the content.

Hiroshima by John Hersey- analyzing and critiquing the book

Hiroshima by John Hersey Academic Level : Bachelor Paper details Note: This assignment is for a book review, not simply a book report. You will be expected to analyze and critique the book in addition to describing the content. Beginning Fall 2017,  Review Instructions (.doc will upload properly; .docx does not always work) Note: This assignment is for a book review, not simply a book report. You will be expected to analyze and critique the book in addition to describing the content. Be sure to look at the rubric accompanying these instructions before you start writing and be certain that you have met all the requirements of the rubric before submitting your paper. The rubric  listed below, however, grammar and spelling errors will be deducted from the grade. The following are the general requirements for the review: First, you must read the book.

Hiroshima by John Hersey- analyzing and critiquing the book

Locate at least 2 other reviews of the book. The paper will be worth a total of 100 points. The paper must be at least 1400 words and contain at least 3 but no more than 5 quotations. Please include your Works Cited page at the end of your paper. The title page and Works Cited page do NOT count toward the 1400 word minimum. You may use MLA, APA or Chicago style formatting. The paper must be proofread !! Over 30% plagiarism will result in an F IN THE COURSE The following are general ideas for organizing your paper: 1. Introduction (10 pts.) First identify the name and author of the book, identify the type of book, and describe the overall theme of the book. 

Detailed Instructions


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