This assignment focuses on Analyzing Heroes in Popular Culture. There is also a description of The Avengers Movie. Also, write about an obvious hero such as James Bond or Indiana Jones or a super hero such as Spiderman

Analyzing Heroes in Popular Culture : The Avengers Movie

PROMPT: Analyzing Heroes in Popular Culture (Movies or TV shows).  Do heroes actually meet the requirements for being a hero? Context: Some of the most successful movies in recent history have included heroes and their journeys (Star Wars The Force Awakens, The Avengers, The Hunger Games, Mad Max, Hidden Figures, Black Panther, etc.). I think that many of us instinctively know what a hero entails, but it’s not always easily definable. What sorts of actions warrant the term “heroism”? Writing Task: For this assignment, you will choose one hero or multiple heroes (as long as they are in the same movie or TV show) to analyze in a SIX PARAGRAPH (four to five page) essay. Your essay must have a minimum word count of 1,200 words. You can write over 2,000 words but only 2,000 words will count towards for Final Grade in your Final Showcase Portfolio.

Analyzing Heroes in Popular Culture : The Avengers Movie

Any essay under 1,200 words will be returned ungraded and will need to be resubmitted with the minimum word count. Ultimately, the essay should achieve two, main purposes: 1.) Using the Hero’s Journey as a lens, show how your hero/heroes fulfills, mostly fulfills, or does not fulfill, the various stages of the Hero’s Journey, including a discussion of the specific stages and mythological archetypes. 2.) Analyze the characteristics and actions that make these characters heroes.

Analyzing Heroes in Popular Culture : The Avengers Movie

To help you better understand these concepts, you should use “The Stages of the Hero’s Journey.” You will also need to include this source material at least once in your essay. Choosing a topic/hero: –Your first instinct might be to write about an obvious hero such as James Bond or Indiana Jones or a super hero such as Spiderman or Batman, but keep in mind that there are different types of heroes such as The Incredibles or Moana.

Detailed Instructions


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