This essay is a follow on order for order ref no 82676415 and it must be the same topic covered in the interview (ethnographic inquiry) and should based in the Uk. I have attached the file. Reflective Writing 1500 words This essay will follow the basic structure of an ethnography, which is a key type of writing that anthropologists publish. Unlike a professionally published ethnography, however, your ethnography will be quite short in length (see suggestions for word lengths below) and include a reflective section at the end to give you space to think about what skills you’re developing and what areas you can still work on for your future careers in public health and related fields. 1. Title page: Title of essay, the module code and name and lecturer, your student number, the date, your word count 2. Introduction (about 300 words) – very brief information about the culture, in this case best to make it especially related to the topic you covered in your interview. Try to be as specific as possible – for example if your participant is part of Yoruba culture, it would be better to provide information about Yoruba culture rather than general facts about Nigeria. You must cite evidence you’ve gathered in this section, for example from a published ethnography of the culture. If you’re comparing between two cultures be sure to include information about both. 3. Methods (about 200 words) – the way you set up your interview (most likely a semi-structured interview) with detail about consent, where and how the interview took place. Be sure to cite research methods texts, such as those I put on Week 5 of the Moodle page. 4. Results (500-600 words) – This is the information you gathered from your participant. Given the word limit you need to cut down and select the best sections of your interview. Based on your key question or questions, be sure to organize the results into sections and make it very clear when you are quoting your participant directly, such as “I gave birth at home in my kitchen” versus where you are retelling the story – She told me she gave birth in her kitchen. It is best practice to include direct quotes. See published ethnographies for examples of how this looks. 5. Discussion (300-400 words) This is where you interpret your results – you make meaning of them and connect them to theory from the class. For example if a person giving birth was abused, you might connect that to structural violence theory or stigma (if the birth was a stigmatized birth). Or if it was a lovely humanistic birth you could connect it to Davis-Floyd’s model. This is a section where again it would be very good to connect what you found in your interview to some published ethnographies about the culture you studied. Was your participant saying things that were very different and surprising compared to published research on the topic? Or was it fairly typical for their culture? 6. Reflection (100 words) This is the space where you can reflect on the overall process of having designed, carried out, and written about your interview. What skills did you learn and how do you feel about using those skills? What went well or didn’t go to plan? Would you do something differently or is there a topic you’d like to explore further? 7. References (There is no one right number but aim for at least 10 including sources from the module as well as ones you find yourself. Put them in Harvard style, using Cite Them Right as a guide. Words from References don’t count toward your word count) A note about theory (important for your Discussion section). Remember ethnography is an attempt to put the researcher into the shoes of the people being studied – it is meant to be immersive and highly detailed (so better to give detail about something specific that you found instead of being very general of vague. Also, a key goal of ethnography is to connect any details you uncover to bigger concepts or theories to help explain why people (and wider society) are the way they are. For example, thinking back to Robbie Davis-Floyd’s theoretical model of technocratic, humanistic and holistic health systems, you could connect your participant’s story to this model (eg. perhaps their birth or family member’s death was highly medicalized and technocratic in nature? Or perhaps the birth or death was treated more like part of the circle of life and that the mind and body are integrated?). This is only one example of connecting your interview to a theory – there are MANY theories to choose from and you can use theories from ethnographies that you read to try to do this for your topic. We have covered several theories in class that you could link to your interviews, such as cultural relativism, the social determinants of health, structural violence, Cartesian dualisms, and stigma. Before the essay: Before sitting down to write an essay make sure you’ve done the following: ? I’ve conducted an interview (you MUST DO T​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‌‌‍‍​HIS before you write your essay!) ? I have passed my first assessment based on my interview – if you didn’t pass, please write to Anna ASAP in order to find out what didn’t go to plan so that you can correct this, which will mean your essay will go more smoothly. ? I have read the feedback on my first assessment and understand it (and if not have contacted Anna to discuss my specific questions on what is unclear). ? I’ve read this entire assessment guideline and checklist and if anything was unclear I’ve written to Anna for clarification ? I have read the readings from the module so that I understand what ethnographies look like and the methods followed in ethnography (reading is a key preparation stage for essay success!). Also if you’re read the readings you will have at least 1 theory you can think of using in your discussion section. Using readings from class (cite them in the essay) means you will have more references for your reference list ? I have gathered evidence to support my essay – eg. used to find ethnographies on my topic (eg. “ethnography and birth and Sudan”) or gathered high quality public health evidence related to my topic. ? I’ve read through the evidence and made notes on the key points I want to include in my essay Starting to write: Here are some steps to follow during the writing process ? Remember 50% of the writing process is the reading you do ahead. If you’ve done a lot of reading (the module readings and the additional ones you find) you will feel a lot more confident in writing and easily be able to choose evidence for your essay. About 30-40% of the time goes to planning the essay out (see next point below). Once you’ve done these two steps the writing itself is very quick and more fun – only 10-20% of the time because you’ve already done the more challenging work of the reading. For this assessment, once you’ve conducted the interview you’ve already made progress on this essay because your interview is a big part of the evidence! ? Before you write in full sentences, make an essay plan. You can do this by hand on paper or type it into Microsoft Word – start by writing down the list of each section you need to include and then under each section what your key points and source of evidence will be. Here is a very basic example (there are many ways to do this but you should get in the habit of planning out your essays before writing): 1. Title Page 2. Introduction a. Overall message of what my essay is about: b. Key Point about culture X (citation) c. Key Point about birth/death in culture X (citation) d. Key Point about birth/death in culture X (citation e. What I will cover/argue in this essay 3. Methods a. Overall message of what I will cover in this section b. Key point (citation) c. Key point (citation) 4. Results a. Overall message of what I will cover in this section (key question made clear) b. Key point 1: Description of data/quote from participant with any explanation or context needed c. Key point 2: Description of data/quote from participant with any explanation or context needed d. Key Point 3: Description of data/quote from participant with any explanation or context needed 5. Discussion a. Overall message of what I will cover in this section b. Key point (citation) c. Key point (citation) d. Key point that makes a clear argument to end the paper. 6. Reflection a. Free flowing section in your own words. You can use the word “I” here. You may or may not need citations depending on what you reflect on. 7. References ? It is a good idea to show your essay plan to a colleague from class or ask Anna for help if you’re unsure how to plan an essay. There are also resources from the Centre for Student Success on how to plan essays. ? After you’ve written an essay plan go ahead an start writing your essay ? Don’t forget to use Cite Them Right to make sure all of your citations and references are in correct Harvard Style ? NEVER EVER use software to paraphrase or translate your work. It is ALWAYS better to put things into your own words. ? NEVER copy/paste text from outside sources unless you are putting it in “quotes” and citing it. If you’re rewording someone else’s work be sure to cite it as well. After writing your essay ? Be sure to leave time before the deadline to share the draft with a partner from class and give each other feedback. Have they followed all the requirements? Help each other out – learning to give and receive feedback on documents are important professional skills ? Proofread your work – don’t turn an essay in until you’ve read it and checked for errors ? Use Turnitin to help you check your similarity score (another reason to submit a few days before the deadline). If you have a high similarity score take the time to fix highlighted areas to make sure they are in your own words ? Submit your essay on time – a Word Document (.doc) or PDF should have no problems being uploaded​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‌‌‍‍​ but it is a good idea to submit a draft early to be sure it works and you’ve selected the correct fileless