This assignment focuses on Applicability to criminal justice policy. There is also a description of  criminology theory, intervention or treatment

Applicability to criminal justice policy : criminology theory, intervention or treatment

The goal of this paper is for you to show that you can read and understand scientific literature, recognize the strengths and weaknesses of the research, and determine its applicability to criminal justice policy. Below are the specific questions you must address. Firstly,the paper should between 12 – 15 pages long (not including title page and references), with 1” margins in Times New Roman font at 12 pitch.

Applicability to criminal justice policy : criminology theory, intervention or treatment

Secondly,the paper should use the sixth edition of the American Psychological Association (APA) citation format. Thirdly, papers will  due May 3rd, 2020 at 11:59pm (CDT). All papers must submitted through the SafeAssign link on the course Blackboard page. Emailed or hardcopy papers will not  accepted. Papers submitted after the due date will lose 10% for every day late, starting May 4th at 12:01am. Any issues with submitting the paper must be noted in an email immediately to avoid late penalty. A rubric will be posted on Blackboard later in the semester. Topic: design a study of a criminal justice-related subject.

Applicability to criminal justice policy : criminology theory, intervention or treatment

It must  based on an existing criminological theory, intervention, or treatment (do not try to design your own). You will have to read and cite at least seven peer-reviewed studies as evidence to define your topic, support your research design and explain why it is appropriate for your subject. Also, you must address: -the specifics of the subject -the underlying theory -the methods you will use for your experiment -conceptualization/operationalization of measures -hypothesis(es) -sampling -experimental design -why these methods will effectively test the subject. Also, how the existing literature supports or refutes the theory.

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