Learning and Development Programme) where students are given the opportunity to apply their analytical research topics associated with learning and development to the business problem in a case study. An understanding of the business context and wider managerial issues (such as leadership and change management) would be useful. Students are required to take a critically evaluative approach to analysing the case study, formulate and present their proposals, as a professional business report as would be submitted to an organisational board of directors and stakeholders. [Learning outcomes to apply on report: *Theories of Learning *Stress, Personality T​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‌‌‍‍​raits, Resilience And Coaching *L&D for Personality and Individual Differences *L&D for the Digital Natives: Engagement, Technology and Gen Z *Coaching and Mindfulness You must be able to: Appropriately apply concepts, models and perspectives from both the learning and development, knowledge management and HRM fields to a organisational learning need/problem Demonstrate a critical awareness of how learning and development interventions could be supported or hindered by context and cultural issues Formulate a convincing argument Write a professional business report suitable for senior management Demonstrate a familiarity with relevant literature and contemporary research

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