• Course Project: Media Analysis

You will compare coverage of your selected higher education topic in 3–4 different types of sources (newspapers, magazines, academic journals, books, professional association website). Students determine what perspectives are present or absent and assess sources for bias. This assignment must be 800–1000 words and requires citations from 3-4 sources in current APA formatting. This media analysis will include a title page, a reference page, and have a minimal of 800-word limit. Your analysis must thoroughly interpret and examine the articles for perspective, validity, and significance of the findings. You should support your discussion with relevant facts, arguments, examples, and details from your review of article; your analysis should be well-reasoned, indicating substantial breadth and depth of thinking. There must be a clearly identified Discussion section in which you describe the practical application to the broader industry of higher education at large. You must identify relevant scriptural principles and perspectives from a biblical worldview, including at least 1 relevant Bible verse. In composing this section, please ensure that you fully explain how your chosen verses and scriptural principles relate to your chosen topic.  In addition to submitting the Course Project: Media Analysis, you must integrate your findings in the final part of the Course Project.

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