Learning Goal: I’m working on a business question and need guidance to help me learn.

Assignment Content

  1. Lab overview and objectives

    In this lab, you will use the AWS Key Management Service (AMS KMS) to encrypt data at rest. You will create an AWS KMS key, use it to encrypt objects stored in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), and use it to encrypt Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volumes. You will also see how AWS CloudTrail provides an audit log of AWS KMS key usage and how disabling the key affects data access.After completing this lab, you should be able to do the following:

    • Create an AWS KMS customer managed key to encrypt and decrypt data at rest.
    • Store an encrypted object in an S3 bucket by using an encryption key.
    • Attempt public access and signed access to an encrypted S3 object.
    • Monitor encryption key usage by using the CloudTrail event history.
    • Encrypt the root volume of an existing Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance.
    • Disable and re-enable an AWS KMS key and observe the effects on data access.

    Lab report submission:Please take screenshots for each task. And then put all the screenshot in one Word document. And you need to write 1-2 sentences for each task:

    • Each task has one screenshot.
    • Each task has 1-2 sentences narrative report.
    • One Word document with all screenshots and narrative report