A sports team plays games at home and away.  Write a program to keep track of a team’s win/loss record at home, away, and their total.  Use nested structures as you develop this program.


1.Data structures:

a. Define a Win Loss structure with wins and losses members (int).


b .Define a Team structure with the team name, containing a Win Loss structure variable for total wins/losses, a Win Loss structure variable for home wins/losses, and a Win Loss structure variable for away wins/losses.


c. Declare an array of type Team.


2.Build a menu-driven program with these options:

a. Enter a new team

b .Display all teams

c .Display a particular team

d.Exit the program

3.Define these functions according to these prototypes:

a.int menu();

Shows the menu

Gets the user selection

Validates the menu selection

Returns a valid menu selection

b. Win Loss getWinLoss(string);

Gets wins and losses from the keyboard for the location indicated by the string parameter (“home” or “away”) and returns a Win Loss structure containing the input.

c. void displayWinLoss(WinLoss);

Displays a string containing the win and loss members in the format of “wins-losses”.

d .Team getTeam();

Inputs the team name

Inputs home wins and losses using get Win Loss()

Inputs away wins and losses using get Win Loss()

Stores the home wins/losses in the appropriate team structure

Stores the away wins/losses in the appropriate team structure

Calculates the total wins/losses and stores those in the appropriate structure

Returns all of this in a single Team structure

e .void display Team(Team);

Displays the team name, total wins and losses, home wins and losses, and away wins and losses.  Use the display Win Loss function described above.

f .void find  Team(Team[], int);

Prompt the user for the team name

Search the array for a match

If there is a match, display the team information using the display Team function described above.

If there is no match, display an error message.