Found footage is a film subgenre in which all or a substantial part of the work is presented as if it were discovered film or video recordings. The events on screen are typically seen through the camera of one or more of the characters involved, often accompanied by their real-time, off-camera commentary.


Found footage films should sound exactly like you’d talk to people in real life. Put together a script so your actors know what to say, but don’t be afraid to let them take over and talk how they normally would. Throw in informal contractions, like “gonna,” “wanna,” or “gotta” to keep the dialogue realistic.


Cloverfield and Paranormal Activity weren’t the first films of their type to emerge at this time, but they were certainly the most responsible for launching the found footage craze that engulfed pop culture at the turn of the decade


This is one of those found-footage movies with an impressive sense of scale: You’ve taken a real journey by the final frame. Try if you like: The Descent. With its narrow passageways and suffocating sense of claustrophobia, the comparison is inevitable