Discuss whether judges should be creating new law in the UK.

The legal cases and legislation are the primary sources of information in a law essay – you do not have to cite the secondary source where they viewed a case. You should only give the legal citation, not the website or book where they accessed details of the case. For example, this is the correct reference for this case – London Borough of Tower Hamlets v Mr J Wooster [2009] All ER (D) 160 – not London Borough of Tower Hamlets v Mr J Wooster, Turner, C (2013) Unlocking Employment Law, 383.

Please make sure all direct and indirect quotations from textbooks, journals or electronic resources are properly ref​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‌‌‍‍​erenced (using an ‘in text citation’ or footnote reference in the main body of your answer) and any resources used must be listed in the bibliography. Do not use abbreviations such as ‘eq’, ‘ie’ or simplify words such as ‘because’ to ‘cos’ or ‘for’ to ‘4’. It is important to observe and use good academic English in answering assignment questions, be it an essay or a problem question.


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