An Organizational Change Management Strategy is the process of outlining, planning, and implementing steps to successfully roll out change across the organization. It is the process of mitigating risks and making the most out of change management efforts to derive desired outcomes.

Change management is a systematic approach to dealing with the transition or transformation of an organization’s goals, processes or technologies. The purpose of change management is to implement strategies for effecting change, controlling change and helping people to adapt to change.

The 5 Step Journey to Evaluating Change

  1. Establish our Vision of the Future. …
  2. Execute a Cost/Risk/Benefit Analysis. …
  3. Evaluate the Probability of Success. …
  4. Identify Your People Factors. …
  5. Evaluate Timing


Here are five effective change management strategies that deal with the human element of organizational change.

  • Propose Incentives. …
  • Redefine Cultural Values. …
  • Exercise Authority. …
  • Shift the Burden of Change. …
  • Recruit Champions of Change