) to spend money on media campaigns, nor 2) duplicate the work that others are doing. But I believe in the power of global knowledge networks to make my investments truly catalytic.’ In addressing the above questions, the philanthropist is looking for the following signs of high-quality advice: 1) You have analyzed the global health landscape 2) You have assessed the pros and cons of existing GH organizations 3) You have recommended a minimum of three GH organizations 4) You have summarized the strengths and limitations of each proposed partner in your strategic area of choice. Q2 -30 points- Musk wants to create a global network for preparedness and response to global health emergencies. He wants to know 1) whether you recommend the launch of such partnership in the form of a new GH network and 2) why. In addressing these questions, the philanthropist is looking for the following signs of high-quality advice: 1) Your analysis demonstrates consideration of existing networks of GH actors. 2) Your recommendations are based on existing evidence about the effectiveness of GH partnerships and networks; and 3) The rationale for your recommendation is explained with clarity and precision. Q3- 30 points- Based on the guiding philanthropic principles listed above, Musk wants to ensure that all future grants made by this new foundation are ‘targeted on the production of measurable results.’ He asks that in your memo you address the following questions: 1) How do you recommend that the new foundation applies the evidence generated by the OECD from their evaluation of results-based approaches to official development assistance? 2) How would the philanthropist know that his foundation has been successful in this aspect? 3) What types of evidence would you use to evaluate the effectiveness of results-based grant-making? In addressing these questions, the philanthropist is looking for the following signs of high-quality advice: • The quality of the evidence that you used in framing the effectiveness of results-based approaches • The backgrou​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‌‌‍‍​nd research collected by you; the scope of problems or challenges that you identified; and the description of what a grant-maker like Musk could do in this space. • The degree to which you mapped-out the types of knowledge or evidence that would be needed to assess the extent to which the challenge of ‘producing measurable results’ is being addressed in your recommendation(s). Note that the philanthropist is aware that this question is more about your ability to provide advice about a future process that has not been tried, and in the context of an organization that does not yet exist. Therefore, he expects you to focus on imagining how such process could look like (instead of trying to come up with unambiguous, definitive answers). Recap the background of the strategic area: provide evidence about the scope and magnitude of the problem globally. Include references to technological advances or scientific breakthroughs that suggest the possibility of transformative impact at scale Landscape of actors: indicate opportunities for a new foundation to initiate action or accelerate progress on this issue. What other actors are working on this issue? Describe their strengths and limitations Opportunities for powerful partnerships: describe the types of GH actors that could form a global network in your area of choice, including intergovernmental organizations, international NGOS, professional associations, regional coalitions, activist networks, etc. Indicators for success: results-based approach for determining impact at scale over the medium and long-term Reflections on the contribution that his organization could make to improving standards of living in larger freedom in a way that is sustainable, inclusive and transformative, in line with the foundational principles of the UN Charter, human rights and humanitarian action. Please add your personal reflections on this exercise: What questions occurred to you while you were researching and writing this memo? What additional knowledge would you need to engage in this process? What assumptions are we making about the knowledge and motivation of the funder? The rules to be followed in drafting your memo are listed below: • Use the MS-Word Memo Simple template for both parts of the assignment. The template can be found at the end of this document. The formatting instructions are: Normal margins all around; Arial, 11-point font; 1,5 line-spaced • The maximum word count is 3000 words, excluding tables and graphs, as needed Add graphs and tables Only do PART 2 which I highlighted in green. I will attach the rubric. Part 1 I will attach and you can use please contact me if you have any questions. But again focus only on part 2. A​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‌‌‍‍​nd add as many references as needed

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