My field Placement Assignment is with Department of human Services, working with the Achieving Independence center (AIC) as an ACT 91/Re-Entry Intern (working with older youth transitioning out of foster care)

Act 91/ re-entry list of duties and questions for this school year internship

Good Morning,

Below are a list of duties when working with Re-Entry. This helps give you an overall picture of working with youth; however, they may be some details missing because each case is unique.

  • Attend training: Act 91, Resumption processes, observations, Independent Living training, and any other additional training to enhance your skills with working with the target population.
  • There will be a rotation for clients.
  • Determine Baseline Eligibility and determine need for crisis intervention and refer to housing specialist or to synergy team if needs assistance with immediate shelter needs- Connect or Provide other resources to Ineligible Act 91 youth
  • For Eligible youth:
    • Interview the youth- Explain the process and complete an assessment for the youth which included looking up DHS case information and find out if case is already active, look up placement history and if needed CBH, determine if youth meets criteria eligibility requirement- if not youth is not already doing so then assist youth with making an action plan and connecting with AIC coach or Lifeset coach and other partners
    • Refer to Act 91 Room and Board if necessary
    • If youth’s case is already active an email will be sent to Assigned CUA team that this youth is requesting to come back into care
    • Send completed assessment to law department (If Covid-19 response is accepted this would be completed immediately without supporting documentation, if not then supporting proof or documentation is required before filing)
    • Collateral contact with AIC coach and partners if needed to assist youth meet criteria requirements and team meetings
    • Maintain weekly contact with youth
    • Participate in teaming for youth
    • Prepare for court and attend court hearing
    • Prepare and notify youth about court hearing details
  • If Resumption is granted/After court responsibilities:
    • Send assessment, court order, and OC memo to Hotline teams
    • Complete SCN and OC report
    • Then complete a Placement referral for the youth and possible SCN in family section.
    • Email CRU – DRO to be assigned a CRU screener and and then complete screening
    • Attend 20-day and forward invite to youth and AIC coach
  • If youth is in ARB unit, maintain contact with Room and Board team to ensure transition into placement. Connect CUA team to Room and Board team so that all parties are aware of all details in the move out processes.
  • Submit Weekly report
  • Participate in Weekly supervision
  • Participate in AIC morning briefings when available
  • Participate in All AIC staff meetings
  • Attend monthly Room and Board meetings
  • Attend ROJ work group meetings
  • Participate in at least one AIC committee

Thank you for completing the Act 91 training, you should be able to work with clients very soon.


Please take the time to review the questions and provide an answer to the questions below so we can discuss next week.


What do you want to get out of this internship?

What is one or two goals that you would like to achieve this upcoming school year?

Since you have been at the AIC, what is something you see positive happening an one thing you see is lacking?


Have you started a legacy project with your first year internship? If so, what is it? If not, then is it something we can talk about in the end of the summer to discuss your thoughts and feelings on what you want to do.


*I will be emailing you some tips and conversation starters when talking to clients.


My goal for you this week is to know how to determine the baseline eligibility.  (I will send some samples to you and then you can respond accordingly)


Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns with anything of the above mentioned or anything not mentioned.