This assignment focuses on Forced-Choice Reinforcement Menu. There is also a analysis of motivational systems of individual children. So, make sure you keep the categories the same, just customize the reinforcer.

Forced-Choice Reinforcement Menu-motivational systems of individual children

First, read this guide on how to create your own reinforcement test ( Here is another example of a Forced-Choice Reinforcement Menu you can modify to fit the person’s circumstances you are testing. Please make sure the choices are age appropriate and equal in importance or the test does not work. Grown-ups don’t typically work for candy bars. Part of the assignment is to see if you understand reinforcement. Determining the motivational systems of individual children. Make sure you keep the categories the same, just customize the reinforcer. For example, you may change “a bag of chips” to “a new dress,” however, that still remains a tangible item. Or you may change “your teacher gives you 100% on your paper” to “your boss gives you an important account.”

Forced-Choice Reinforcement Menu-motivational systems of individual children

Those are both still Adult Approval. But, if you turned “your teacher gives you 100% on a paper” to “your boss gives you a raise,” you have changed the reward from approval to tangible since a raise is monetary. Or, if you put “your boss gives you kudos in front of the staff,” you have now changed that to Competitive Approval since you are now receiving peer attention. Make sense? Next, give the test to someone to find out what motivates them. Discuss the results with them, and write a summary of the results. Please include the original test that you have created as well as the results. Discuss whether the person agrees or disagrees with the results.

Write a 3 page paper and include the test (the writing part should be at least 3 pages excluding the test itself). Please use at least 3 citations from the powerpoint and sources provided only: ( ( (

Detailed Instructions


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