The assignment explores Group Purpose and Rational. In addition, there is an Analysis of Environment Leadership.

Group Purpose and Rational – Environment Leadership Analysis

So, plan, develop, and implement a new group therapy series. Also, modify an existing group therapy series. Firstly, the student will evaluate the implementation process and group outcomes. Secondly, select and use appropriate methods to evaluate/measure client outcomes using a pre and post group design for at least one group.

  I.        Identification of Group (10 points)                                                 

Firstly, brief description of the group and target population. Secondly, group Purpose and Rational. Thirdly, Membership of group. Also, criteria for selection. Additionally, screening of members. Moreover, Other demographic information

 Group Purpose and Rational – Environment Leadership Analysis

II.         Theoretical Framework for Group (10 points). Firstly, support and synthesize selected theoretical approach (based on a brief literature review at least 4 articles. Secondly, discussion of group design/format/structure. Also, open / Closed / Length of Time. Additionally, describe contributions to the group 

(Include topical outline, group exercises, and activities)


III.        Analysis of Group Process and Client Outcomes (10 points)       

A.         Group interaction / dynamics

B.         Phases of the group:  Forming Storming, Norming, Working, Termination

C.         Level of cohesiveness and contributing factors with implications such as environment, topic, leadership style, member to member interaction, type of group. (provide examples to support your finding)

D.         Describe group norms

 Group Purpose and Rational – Environment Leadership Analysis

IV.        Evaluation of Group Outcomes (10 points)                                   

A.         Individual client outcomes (measurable) or group outcomes (measurable)

B.         Curative factors demonstrated (provide examples). Finally, describe measurement tool and rationale for use.


V.         Evaluation of Self as Group Leader (10 points)                             

A.         Strengths and weaknesses of experience

B.         Approach/style of Leadership

Detailed Instructions


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