This assignment focuses on History of heterosexuality in Straight video. There is also an analysis of science of sexual orientation.Your paper will describe the media item, and compare the content or message of the media item to the readings in the course

History of heterosexuality in Straight video : science of sexual orientation

 Straight: The surprisingly short history of heterosexuality

Paper details:

Find a magazine article or blog or YouTube video that discusses the science of sexual orientation and critique it. First, describe the media item: what kind of media item is it, where did you find it, what are its main messages? Then critique it: In what ways does the media item describe sexual orientations using the “myths” or misunderstandings identified in Straight: The surprisingly short history of heterosexuality?.  What perspective or voice is missing from the media item? Media Critique.  Assignments are 3-5 pages, Times New Roman, 12 pt font, double space.

History of heterosexuality in Straight video : science of sexual orientation

Students will find a media item (a magazine article, a website, a blog, a YouTube video, etc) that is directed to the general public (popular media). Your paper will describe the media item, and compare the content or message of the media item to the readings in the course.Firstly, are there similiarities? Secondly,are there differences? Thirdly, Are there contradictions between the popular media item and the course readings?.  Describe and discuss similarities, differences, contradictions.

Detailed Instructions


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