The assignment talks about Hospital Management and Evaluation. Besides, there is a description of Decision Making Process. So, you should consider the scientific evidence and or relevant national and local guidelines.

Hospital Management and Evaluation – Decision Making Process


Firstly, demonstrates knowledge of the risk factors associated with commn ocular conditions. Secondly, record keeping, differential diagnosis, key features, apropriate history and symtoms and investigations. Also, understanding. Additionally, demonstrates understanding of the important signs and symptoms, the investigations needed, how a records should be recorded, the key features of the condition, differential diagnosis and the relevant management pathways. Evaluation. Also, analyses the evidence, considers the options available and makes appropriate decisions. So,  about record keeping, investigation and management based on the patients circumstances and the clinical findings. Finally, demonstrates a reasoned approach within their level of competency.


Hospital Management and Evaluation – Decision Making Process

Presents work with no grammatical or punctuation errorsWrites clearly in a concise and flowing style Adheres to stipulated word count limits. References. Identifies appropriate referencesPresents references in correct Cardiff Harvard format. In essay format, write a review of the examination investigation and management.

The write up should be 2000 words (excluding reference list) and critically review: Firstly,  the relevant history and symptoms; Secondly, the examinations conducted; Thirdly, the key features. Also, the differential diagnosis

·       your management decision including an outline of the options available and any referrals and follow-up

·       a discussion

Hospital Management and Evaluation – Decision Making Process

Throughout you should consider the scientific evidence and or relevant national and local guidelines and reference them using Cardiff Harvard style.

*If you work outside of the UK where there are no local or national guidelines for Optometrists please use UK regulations and guidelines for reference.

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