This assignment focuses on Hospitality and Tourism Management. There is as well as description of Customers and Employees Behavior

Hospitality and Tourism Management – Customers and Employees Behavior

Incentive programs are a common tool used by businesses and other organizations to encourage specific behavior in customers and employees. This assignment note provides detailed information on how incentive programs may be an effective tool. For encouraging sustainable travel-related purchases. A discussion outlining the existing research on green consumerism and consumer-driven solutions for encouraging sustainability is followed by industry and academic information on incentive programs.

Hospitality and Tourism Management – Customers and Employees Behavior

A focus group study then builds on this existing knowledge by looking at young professionals from Raleigh and Greenville.  North Carolina to determine the effectiveness of incentive programs at encouraging green consumerism while traveling. Analysis of the resulting dialogue confirmed incentive programs may be an effective tool for encouraging sustainable travel related purchases. So, based on this result, recommendations provide design and logistical considerations.  That are important to take into account when trying to create an effective incentive program.  For sustainable tourism marketed to young professionals.

Hospitality and Tourism Management – Customers and Employees Behavior

● Be visible online to encourage competition ● Base its points on the business’ level of sustainability and level of consumer spending . Also, distinguish between locals and tourists during program registration ●Focus on significant involvement from one city or destination at a time to prevent multiple cities with only a few businesses participating. Finally, Align with statewide certification programs for green businesses.

Detailed Instructions


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