This OMGT 401 Strategy Paper explores Huawei’s target segment. So, is Huawei adopting a cost leadership, differentiation, or focus strategy (p. 120)? Support your answer with concepts from chapter 5

OMGT 401 Strategy Paper : Huawei’s target segment

OMGT 401 Strategy Paper 4

This week we are dealing with business level and global strategy. As outlined in our text in Chapter 5, competitive positioning is used to maximize its competitive advantage by finding the best way to position itself against its rivals. This is accomplished via business level strategy (Hill and Jones, 2012).

Huawei is a Chinese company that is in the information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure and smart device industry. They are the leading cell phone seller in China with a 22% market share.

Hill and Jones (201) note “A company can increase its growth rate by taking good or services developed at home and selling them internationally (p. 148). Huawei also seeks to increase its profitability through global expansion.

Research Huawei and answer the following questions:

1. Is Huawei adopting a cost leadership, differentiation, or focus strategy (p. 120)? Support your answer with concepts from chapter 5.

OMGT 401 Strategy Paper : Huawei’s target segment

2. What is Huawei’s target segment (see p. 119 of our text)? Once identified, what sort of competition do they face and how will that factor into their strategy. Support your answer with concepts from chapter 5.

3. Huawei is also a global company. What sort of global strategies are they employing? Support your answer with concepts from Chapter 6. Use at least 3 references to the chapter cited properly.

This should be 3-4 pages in APA format

Detailed Instructions


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