The three areas I usually cover are these:

1). Communication. Most often employees are not communicating enough or are not entirely aware of the perception or audience. Many times, employees are accurate in their communication, but the wording can be aggressive or lack tact. With written communication it is important to read back what you have said and try to determine if what your intention and purpose for the communication is being met.

2). Escalation. Another issue many employees have is not escalating issues quickly enough or too quickly. Having a baseline of when and what to escalate is key to a cohesive group. Employees should be encouraged to attempt to handle the situation unless it seems like a higher-level issue. Too often employees get mired in trying to fix something and get stuck. This causes frustration and disengagement. Provide clear directions on when an employee should reach to you for help.

3). Physiological. There are many interesting and important business psychology terms that employees may not know. I tend to like to educate my employees on the various topics so that they can learn to better manage their workload. Seek out terms such as: dunning-krueger effect, One-way door, two-way door, leadership principles, earning trust. These topics are great to increase an employee’s awareness on everyday work conditions.


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