The assignment addresses the following learning outcome/s of the module:


1. Identify current trends and key influencing factors in their chosen context for research


2. Identify, distinguish and evaluate different research paradigms, philosophies and epistemologies.


3.  Understand the role and significance of doing research within diverse business contexts including the different forms and functions of research including: e.g. academic, policy, market, consultancy, evaluative.

I. Reflect on the personal, professional and ethical issues involved in undertaking research in diverse business contexts 

II. Critically analyse, discuss and evaluate existing academic and practitioner research, demonstrating an awareness of research good practice, data collection, data analysis and the relative merits of different research methods in contributing to knowledge and informed decision-making within a range of contexts.

III. Conduct an information search of appropriate literature and data sources and reference the work of others following appropriate academic conventions. 

IV. Utilise IT software for data collection, analysis and presentation of data. 

V. Contribute effectively to the planning, design and implementation of research and the presentation of results/outcomes in a chosen area of business practice including being able to negotiate, make sound and justifiable decisions and solve problems more effectively

VI. Utilize the knowledge and skills necessary to undertake successful business  research within a chosen area located nationally or internationally


4. Devise a carefully considered research proposal


5. Communicate complex ideas and analyses in their area of research orally and in writing       

Assignment: Research Proposal Marking Rubric


Criterion 1

Identification of the proposed study and its context.   Key issues affecting the business or sector. Rationale for the study

Weighting 25%

[1.1] General overview of the research problem area [5 marks]

[1.2] Rationale [5 marks]

[1.3] Background to the organisation/company [5 marks]

[1.4] Aims [2 marks]

[1.5] Objectives – Maximum 4 Objectives [8 marks]

Criterion 2:

Critical engagement with published literature and suggested conceptual framework.


Weighting 25%

[2.1] Use Objectives as Framework (Scope) for this Chapter [5 marks]

[2.2] identification of key readings around the nature of the issue [10 Marks]

[2.3] Identification of Research Questions [10 marks]



Criterion 3:

Suggested methodology. Justification for the methodology based on demonstrated understanding or research philosophies and knowledge creation. Close reference to research publications 

Weighting 25%

[3.1] Theoretical stance [research philosophy]

— State Philosophy [2 marks]

Justification based on 

— Ontological aspect [1 mark]. 

— Epistemological aspect [1 mark], 

— Axiological aspect [1 mark]


[3.2] Research methods [quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods] 

— State quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods [2 marks]

— Justification of method [3 marks]


[3.3] Sampling framework [Who, How & Why]

— Who [2 marks]

— How [2 marks]

— Why [1 mark]


[3.4] Reliability, validity and generalisability

— Reliability [2 marks]

— Validity [2 marks]

— Generalisability [1 mark]


[3.5] Constraints & Ethical Issues

— Ethical issues [3 marks]

— Constraints [2 marks]


Criterion 4:

Professional presentation of the research proposal including the ability to respond to questions. 

Weighting 25%

[4.1] Structure to suit the demands of the assignment [10 marks]

[8.2] Grammar [5 marks]

[8.3] Harvard Reference [5 marks]

[8.4] Provide a Gantt Chart [5 marks]