A​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‌‌‍‍​bstract Abstracts are the only text that is not indented in the entire manuscript. The target length of an abstract is no more than 250 words. The abstract is not a part of the proposal. The abstract provides a brief overview of the study, discussing 1) what the study was about, 2) how it was studied, and 3) what the significant findings were. Keywords are words that describe the most important aspects of your paper and help readers find your work during a search. Include 3-5 keywords describing the content. To format the Keywords section, write the label “Keywords” (italicized) one line below the abstract, indented 0.5 inches like a regular paragraph, followed by the keywords in lowercase (capitalize proper nouns), separated by commas. The keywords can be listed in any order. Do not use a period after the last keyword. Example: Keywords: hypertension, mobile clinic, rural, occupational health, patient education Provide the Title of Your Project Here Chapter One: Introduction and Overview Chapter One is an overview of your topic of interest that provides the justification for your project by presenting the identified problem in the context of the literature. In the beginning of this chapter you should capture the attention of the reader by creating a sense of urgency about the problem to be investigated. Chapters 1, 2, and 3 of the Capstone Proposal are written in the future tense for your proposal defense. They are then changed to the past tense once you have completed Chapter 4 and 5 for your final defense. In addition, your paper should be written in the third person. Do not include a Level 1 heading for the introduction to this section, as the section title denotes this section as the introduction. End your introductory paragraph(s) with a sentence that states what your project will accomplish so the reader knows what to expect. Background of the Project The background of the problem is a review of information on why the problem is of pressing societal concern or theoretical interest and summarizes for the reader what is known about the problem being investigated. This is accomplished with a general review of foundational research literature and data from credible sources that report findings related to the topic of interest. This section is generally three to five pages in length. Statement of the Problem The problem statement succinctly and clearly presents the nursing practice problem under investigation. What the statement itself should be concise, this statement must contain sufficient information to persuade the reader that the project is feasible, appropriate, and worthwhile. Your problem statement should include the following items: 1) a description of the nature and context of the problem, 2) the impact of the problem on patients, populations or societies; and 3) the consequences of not fixing the problem. The above items justify the need for your project, so end your problem statement with information on how your proposed study will contribute to the solution of this problem or issue. This will provide a lead-in to your purpose statement. The statement of the problem is about one page in length. Purpose of the Project The purpose statement logically flows from the literature review and problem statement and is developed using the components of your project question. Your question should be structured using appropriate terms from a “researchable” question using key terms that identify your population, supported by your project question. It provides sufficient information so that the reader knows the project design approach (e.g. qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods), your population of interest, and the primary variables that will be studied. After reading the purpose statement the reader should be able to understand your intent to address the research question by aligning the purpose of your project with the problem or issue of concern. The purpose statement is approximately one page in length. Research Question Present your research question. PICO Question Attached here is a link with information for formulating the PICO Question – https://libraryguides.missouri.edu/c.php?g=28271&p=174073 Theoretical Framework All projects need to be based upon a theoretical framework. A theoretical framework helps to place a project in perspective and supports projects that evaluate relationships among variables, while setting limits. In order to​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‌‌‍‍​ meet criteria, the theoretical framework must demonstrate a thorough grasp of important issues, perspectives, and controversies in the field under examination, as they relate to the project at hand, indicating where the current project fits within this logical “landscape”. It is strongly suggested to limit the frameworks used in the project to a single framework. Multiple frameworks require large and unwieldy studies. This section is usually two to four pages in length. A diagram or schematic of the framework is required and should be included as a figure after references and tables. Significance of the Project The significance section elaborates on the purpose of the project. This section justifies the reason for the project and the contribution the project makes to a discipline, a profession, and/or society at large. The significance section establishes a global reason for doing a worthwhile project. This section explains why the project is a unique approach and who benefits from the completion. This section articulates the specific sense in which an original contribution has been made to knowledge in the selected field. The significance section should be about one page in length. Definition of Terms This section defines the terms and concepts that are used in the project. Some more common terms or concepts can be defined in the body of the paper. However, terms and concepts should be defined according to the specific way they are used in the project. Definition: Indent. Italicize word being defined. Include definition one space after colon. End definition with a period. Next definition: Begin next word on a new line. Only capitalize first word or proper noun. Nature, Scope, and Limitation of the Project The nature of the project section (about two to three pages) is a brief synopsis of the design and span of the project. This section justifies that appropriateness of the design approach (quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods) you plan to use and why the approach will accomplish the goals of the study. The nature of the project includes information on the scope, limitation, and delimitations, as described below: • Scope – this is the scope and depth of your project. The scope should clearly identify what you will be studying and what you will not be studying. By identifying the inclusion and exclusion criteria for your project, this will help the reader know how the results can be used in practice. The following items define the scope of your project: 1) the population from which the participant will be selected (accessible population), 2) the setting or location where you will gather data, and 3) the period of the project from data collection to data analysis. • Limitations – these are the factors that may arise in a study that will impact the validity or credibility of your project by limiting the conclusions and usefulness of the results. Every study design type has its own set of limitation, which should be briefly presented in this section. For example, different design types provide different levels of evidence from weak to strong. In addition, you may only have access to certain individual, records, organizational units, or data, which will limit the usefulness of your finding beyond the characteristics in your project. • Delimitations – while limitations explain how the design and methods may limit the usefulness of the findings, delimitations provide rationale for what you will not study. These arise from specific choices that you will make regarding the problem you will study and the methods you will use to study your problem. For example, your variables of interest, your design type, your choice of a theoretical framework, the methods you selected to use and the techniques your plan to use to select your participants inform the reader of the delimitations of your project. In your purpose statement you state what your project will accomplish; in this section, you state what your project will not accomplish. These delimitations may arise because other options are not relevant to your question or not feasible within the scope of your project. In addition to the information above, factors from a practical nature, such as constraints of time, money, and human resources, if they have a notable impact on the project, can be discussed. This section is approximately one to two pages in length. Conclusion The conclusion should briefly discuss the key points covered and prepare the rea​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‌‌‍‍​der for the next chapter.