The assignment focuses on Influence of Communication and Technology. Moreover, there is a review of Social Media Community. So, consider how technology has affected the ways in which individuals communicate.

Influence of Communication and Technology – Social Media Community Review

Firstly, technology such a broad kind of term, it really applies to so many things, from the electric light to running cars on oil. Secondly, all of these different things can be called technology. Additionally, I have kind of a love-hate relationship with it, as I expect most people do. With the computer, I spend so many hours sitting in front of a computer.  – Jeff Bridges. Also, the influence that technology has on our day to day lives is undeniable, but for many individuals the question remains as to whether this has impacted an individual’s ability to communicate for either the good or the bad. 

Influence of Communication and Technology – Social Media Community Review

For this essay assignment, consider how technology has affected the ways in which individuals communicate with one another. Also, consider some of the following questions:  Has the advent of technology increased discussion between discourse communities (groups of different people). Has technology enhanced our ability to communicate effectively or has it ultimately hindered us. Also, has technology made us less personable with one another, are we missing experiences that we get from face to face interactions, etc..?.  These are just some questions for you to consider on the topic.  Refer to the class readings to help inform your own stance on the topic. Once you have considered some of the questions pertaining to the issue. As well as establishing your own personal stance on the topic, you will be expected to construct your own argument.

Influence of Communication and Technology – Social Media Community Review

You will need to focus your argument on one platform or device when constructing and analyzing your argument. Remember to be sure to narrow your focus, rather than attempting to discuss them all. Such as focusing your analysis on cellphones, or social media, or texting, etc.  In this particular assignment, you will further refine argumentative skills in order to persuade a reader to adopt your particular stance. On a topic or issue of your choice. The purposes for this essay therefore are to 1) introduce you to the art of persuasion as another genre of writing; 2) prepare you to write for a more complex/sophisticated audience; 3)

Influence of Communication and Technology – Social Media Community Review

Teach you how to make accurate decisions in regards to the rhetorical situation that are best suited to your intended audience. Tone, and level of formality; and 4) prepare you for more rigorous forms of writing in this class, as well as in the community—academic or otherwise.  You will also expected to draw from at least two the readings that we have discussed in class, as well as searching for 1-2 articles on your own to use as support for your paper’s argument.  Refer to your MLA handbook to correctly cite your sources.

Detailed Instructions


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