The assignment talks about Influence of Mass Communications. Also, there is a description of Role Of Social Networking. So, determine whether communications influences social networking and vice versa.

Influence of Mass Communications – Role Of Social Networking

Description Determining the fact whether mass communications influences social networking and vice versa. Looking at examples of mass gatherings/protests , e.g. Arab Spring on a large scale, use of social media such as Facebook and YouTube, London riots on a smaller one, use of social media like BBM. These are only examples and the topic may be vague. As a result of this, anything that can be tied in and makes sense to include, such as other big events/protests or things along the line of that can be used. Just needs to make sense.

Influence of Mass Communications – Role Of Social Networking

Learning about a community, whether it is defined geographically or by a common interest (for example, a health condition or disease) means knowing the community’s cultures and institutions, its capabilities and assets, and its health needs and challenges. Typically, learning about a community requires a variety of approaches, including gathering existing data and generating new information, combining qualitative and quantitative data, and incorporating the perspectives of a broad spectrum of individuals, organizations, and groups.

Influence of Mass Communications – Role Of Social Networking

Social network analysis (SNA) is a method that can used to evaluate commu-nity engagement and assess communities. By providing a way of describing the diversity of networks and a set of tools for visually representing and quantifying the characteristics of a network, SNA can help partners understand a community’s networks and track how they grow and change over time. This methodology discussed further.

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