Aims The aim of the practical sessions is to promote an understanding of the integrated nature of the
laboratory disciplines in diagnostic practice.
1. Develop an understanding of the integrated nature of laboratory diagnostics.
2. Develop knowledge relating to biochemical, histological, molecular and immunological aspects of
disease by performing, observing and analyzing data.
3. Develop an insightof the scientific aspects of disease by engagement with the wider literature relating
to the case.
Case Presentation
CAa 58-year-old female, presents at her general practitioner (GP) having developed a moderately high (38-
39°C) temperature over the last 10 days that has kept heraway from work. Sheis getting neither better nor
worse but has decided ‘enough is enough’ and visits her GP. CA states that she does not drink excessively,
typically has a normal appetite but has been constipated for the past few months and is a regular smoker.A
blood sample is taken for haemoglobin, full count and blood film. The haemoglobin value was found to be 11
g/dL. Red blood cell (RBC) and white blood cell count (WBC) is performed using an improved Neubauer
Haemocytometer. Herred blood cell count is 2.2 X 10 12 RBCs/litre and white blood cell count is 11.5 x109
A urine sample for general investigation and a serum sample for alkaline phosphatase are taken and sent to
the Biochemical Pathology department. The investigation of these samples constitutes the first practical,
which is designed to demonstrate the types of chemical analyses that can be performed on body fluid (e.g.,
urine or plasma) from a patient to diagnosis adisease, which induces a change in the chemical or biochemical
composition of that fluid