The assignment explores Jonathan Edwards on the Divine Nature. Moreover, there is a description of Journal of Reformed Theology. So, identify all the main points (and relevant sub-points) that support the author’s thesis.

Jonathan Edwards on the Divine Nature – Journal of Reformed Theology

Firstly, choose one article from any of the Engl 2132 Recommended Scholarly Articles. Pdf from Units 2-5 (this document can be found under Writing Resources in Course Resources folder in the Table of Contents) and compose a 600-word summary. Secondly, those articles have already been retrieved for you from Galileo and can be downloaded in a pdf. version by going to the “Recommended Scholarly Article” folder at the end of the content section for each author in Units 2-5. Click on the “See Current Reading List” in the upper left-hand corner and you will see the articles for that writer. If you wish to retrieve a different scholarly article by yourself from Galileo, you can click here for directions.

Jonathan Edwards on the Divine Nature – Journal of Reformed Theology

• Create a correct bibliographical citation (MLA, 8th ed.) for your article and place it at the top of the opening page. The citations provided for you in the “Recommended Scholarly Articles” folder are already in correct MLA format. • Begin with a statement (usually more than one sentence) explaining the author’s thesis in the article. Throughout your summary, refer frequently to the author of the article so that it is clear you are summarizing his or her ideas and not your own. • Identify all the main points (and relevant sub-points) that support the author’s thesis; identify key ideas and terms from the article; include several short quotations from the article, with the actual page number in parentheses after the quotations; provide a sense of conclusion at the end. This is a summary of the article! The Alice pdf is the article I need to be summarized.

Jonathan Edwards on the Divine Nature – Journal of Reformed Theology

Crisp, Oliver D. “Jonathan Edwards on the Divine Nature.” Journal of Reformed Theology, vol. 3, no. 2, 2009, pp. 175-201. In his essay, “Jonathan Edwards on the Divine Nature,” Oliver D. Crisp sets out to prove that Edwards’s philosophical theology does not break allegiance with his schooling in Reformed orthodox theology. In order to do so. Crisp addresses Edwards’s beliefs on God’s divine nature, divine creativity. Divine simplicity, which reflect the beliefs of the Reformed orthodox theology. Based on these doctrinal similarities, Crisp challenges the writings of Sang Hyun Lee, a proponent of the notion that Edwards reconstructs the nature of God in comparison with Reformed orthodox theology. 

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