This BAM 315 Unit 4 assignmnent explores  Leadership Development at L’Oréal case application. So, why do you think L’Oréal invests so much in leadership development?

BAM 315 Unit 4 : Leadership Development at L’Oréal

Use standard essay format and must have at least 3 paragraphs (ie Intro, body and conclusion).

Responses must be double spaced using Times New Roman and 12 point type size.

Use A.P.A. style. Use citations throughout the paper.
I do not have a copy of the textbook.

Please ONLY reference
Stephen P. Robbins and Mary Coulter, 2018
Pearson Education

ISBN.13: 978-0-134-52760-4

Pick ONE of the following essay topics:

1. Please read “Case Application 2: Best Practices at Best Buy” on page 547 of your text and answer the following: Describe the elements of ROWE. What do you think might be the advantages and drawbacks of this program? Using one or more motivation theories from the chapter, explain why you think ROWE works. What might be the challenges for managers in motivating employees in a program like this?

BAM 315 Unit 4 : Leadership Development at L’Oréal

2. Please read “Case Application 2: Leadership Development at L’Oréal” on page 581 of your text and answer the following: Why do you think L’Oréal invests so much in leadership development? What role does a mentor play in leadership development? Why is cross-cultural awareness important for leaders at a company such as L’Oréal?

3. Please read “Case Application 1: The Challenge of “Healthy” Fast-Food” on pages 622-623 of your text and answer the following: Why is it important for Chipotle to revise the company’s food-handling standards? Which controls would be more important to Chipotle—feedforward, concurrent, or feedback? Explain. How can Chipotle make sure that employees are following the new food handling standards? What are some measures of organizational performance that Chipotle management should use?

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