This assignment focuses on Leadership team in an organization. There is also a description of examining company’s communication.

Leadership team in an organization : examining company’s communication

Imagine the leadership team at your organization has asked you to examine company communication. Note: If you are unemployed or do not want to use your current organization, you can choose another with which you are familiar. Write a 700- to 1,050-word email to the leadership team in which you. 

Examining company’s communication

Identify which organizational model best describes your organization. Why does this matter when considering communication? Explain how your organization communicates or involves employees in formulating solutions to problems.

Examining company’s communication

Include the following in your email: The communication techniques that have been most effective for sharing information and ideas.  The communication techniques that proved to be ineffective.  So, how technology might also affect the communication process.

Examining company’s communication

Cite any resources used. Submit your assignment. So,we need write email including all the questions provide in the prompt .So,can you start writing now please then i can figure out paper is right or wrong then we have a lots of time to edit thank you

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