This assignment focuses on Local and Federal Disaster Resources. There is also a description of City of Greenville NC Case study. So, analyze how these resources work and how victims can utilize and find these resources.

Local and Federal Disaster Resources : City of Greenville NC Case study

Firstly, identify two resources offered by the city of Greenville NC, and two resources offered by FEMA to aid victims recovering from a terrorist attack or natural disaster. Also, analyze how these resources work and how victims can utilize and find these resources.


Secondly, evaluate how local, state, and federal agencies could better advertise. Then,  be more organized to provide meaningful mental health and trauma support to victims of disasters.

Thirdly, the paper should be five pages in length and formatted according to APA style. Also, use only the references provided to support claims, sub-claims. Again, cite resources in text and on the reference page.


FEMA (2002).  Managing the Emergency Consequences of Terrorist Incidents. Retrieved from:

Greenville, NC (n.d.) Retrieved from:

Homeland Security (2008).  National Response Framework.

INVICTM (2018).  Supporting Victims of Terrorism.  Retrieved from:

Also, North Carolina Gov (n.d.).  Retrieved from:

Lastly, Office of Victims of Crimes, (2015).  Helping Victims of Mass Violence & Terrorism.  Retrieved from:

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