This assignment entails Microsoft Information Technology. There is also a discussion on Barefoot Internet Service Quality. Therefore one ongoing concern for Vivobarefoot is the quality and speed of the Internet service available to its office in central London.

Microsoft Information Technology – Barefoot Internet Service Quality


What are some of the competitive advantages Vivobarefoot gained through its infrastructure update?

One ongoing concern for Vivobarefoot is the quality and speed of the Internet service available to its office in central London. Given that, do you think it made sense for the company to move more of its IT services to the cloud? Therefore, Go online and do some research about Microsoft’s Office 365 product. What options does it offer for working offline if internet service is not available? Does that change your opinion about Vivobarefoot’s shift to the cloud?

Microsoft Information Technology – Barefoot Internet Service Quality

Moreover, estimates for the number of computers still running Windows Server 2003 range from hundreds to thousands to several million. Even though Microsoft has stopped supporting the product. Finally, what are the risks for companies that continue to use software or hardware technology after a vendor ends support for it?

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