1. Design an introduction to the e-portfolio that includes a rationale for teaching music to children whilst also highlighting the importance of the role of the early childhood educator.

•    Why is music good? How are you going to engage your target audience? (Early Educators)

•    provides comprehensive solutions to challenges and issues facing early childhood educators when facilitating music learning experiences for children.

•    Content reflects deep engagement with reputable and relevant literature whilst also highlighting the developmental needs of children in pre-primary.

•    Justification for including music in early childhood education reflects a sophisticated understanding of the intrinsic and extrinsic benefits for children whilst also informing the overarching aim/s of music education in the early years.

•    Page provides clear instructions that effectively guide early childhood educators who are at varying stages of their career in their use of the resource.

2. Provide a rationale for vocal-based music education that includes demonstration of strategies for introducing speech (nursery) rhymes and/or songs to children.

•    Page content justifies and encourages implementation of vocal-based music learning experiences with reference to intrinsic aims and benefits of music education and the developmental needs of children in pre-primary.

•    Clear and effective demonstration and explanation of at least two contrasting techniques that underpin the teaching of song and speech rhythm material to children.

•    Models unit core song and/or with exemplary accuracy (of words, rhythm and/or pitch) and artistry appropriate to the meaning and context.