This assignment focuses on Partnerships and Emergency Response Plan. There is also a description of  National Response Framework. So, locate the appropriate NRF Annex for the American Red Cross.

Partnerships and Emergency Response Plan : National Response Framework

National Response Framework. Partnerships and the Emergency Response Plan. Firstly, the Session Long Project for this course is to examine partnership of five essential sectors to an effective Emergency Response Plan (ERP)—using the National Response Framework (NRF) as a guide. Secondly, these partnerships are: Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and volunteer partnerships Military partnerships: humanitarian/support role Local, state, and federal partnerships Private sector partnerships Local fire department/law enforcement partnerships. Thirdly,we will now consider the first partnership: nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and volunteer partnerships.

 Emergency Response Plan : National Response Framework

Respond to the following: The NRF contains guidelines for NGO and volunteer involvement in the aftermath of a disaster. An effective ERP should have language addressing their involvement locally. Locate in the NRF guidelines NGO and volunteer management. Cite your sources: title, location, page number. Locate the appropriate NRF Annex for the American Red Cross. Choose two functions and relate them to an effective ERP. In other words, how and what would be the functions of the Red Cross according to an ideal Emergency Response Plan? Cite your sources by location, title, and page number. Which NGOs and/or volunteer organizations would you include in this plan, and why? Be specific.

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