This assignment focuses on Perceptions of mental health and wellbeing. There is as well description of  Cultural Diversity in England. So, go in-depth into what extent having a South Asian background impacts one’s mental health and wellbeing.

Perceptions of mental health and wellbeing – Cultural Diversity in England

You required to research indepth into the perceptions of mental health and wellbeing of South Asian female students attending university in England. Assume that you are a young South Asian woman attending higher education. You have faced many cultural challenges which have impacted on your mental health and wellbeing vastly in various ways. Having many South Asian female family/friends/colleagues either attending or having completed higher education. You may have frequently witnessed these individuals facing similar as well as different struggles which can often stem from being from the South Asian culture. So, Go in-depth into what extent having a South Asian background impacts one’s mental health and wellbeing. Various studies have  conducted on South Asian women in higher education.

Perceptions of mental health and wellbeing – Cultural Diversity in England

Having a vast amount of literature along with in-depth study, will allow. So,  You to understand the mental health and wellbeing of South Asian women in higher education in England.  Attitudes and beliefs of lay individuals about mental illness are shaped by personal knowledge about mental illness, knowing and interacting with someone living with mental illness, and cultural stereotypes. Mental health issues are increasing and are alarming in almost every part of the world, and hence compiling this review provides an opportunity to understand the different views regarding mental disorders and problems as well as to fill the gap in the published literature by focusing only on the belief system and perception of mental health problems among general population.

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