The assignment concentrates on Problem Solving and Crime Prevention. Also, there is a description of The Community Policing Revolution. So, discuss the various forms of community crime prevention programs.

Problem Solving and Crime Prevention – The Community Policing Revolution

Firstly, discuss the difference between dangerous places and hot spots. Given that all “space” is created by a complex networks of social interaction, is there really any such thing as place? List as many factors as you can think of that define social space. Secondly, discuss the limitation of problem solving based solely on crime analysis, crime mapping, and crime patterning. Thirdly, discuss as many forms of social control that you can. Which forms of social control seem most effective at controlling people’s behavior? Fourthly, discuss the various forms of community crime prevention programs. Also, can you think of other programs that might be used to reduce crime in your community?. Different types of decentralization distinguished.

Problem Solving and Crime Prevention – The Community Policing Revolution

After reading the chapter, you should be able to: Firstly, discuss the ways in which the community impacts the police mandate when a department has implemented community policing. Secondly, describe why community policing encourages decentralized police service and changes in patrol. 3. Discuss the sources of confusion surrounding the implementation of community policing. 4. List and describe the four major facets of community policing. 5. Understand why community policing is an overarching philosophy, not a technique. 6. Discuss how community policing entails the use of discretion and working with other agencies to find other means of dealing with problematic situations. 7. List and discuss what community policing does NOT constitute. The term “decentralization” embraces a variety of concepts which must be carefully analyzed in any particular country.

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