Create a module called In the module, create a function called generate summary for web (csv file, html title, html filename, show bar chart gender=True) that reads specific csv files related to diabetes.

These csv files will have the same column header, same number of columns, and in the same order. All columns in the csv files are attributes except the last column which is the class, either Positive of Negative. The csv file is the full name with extension of the csv file to be used (e.g., “diabetes_data.csv”). The html title is a string for the title

If the value for the parameter show barchart gender is True, then a vertical
bar chart (similar to the bar chart in Figure 2) showing the count for Positive and
Negative cases for each Gender will be shown after the html table. Hint: You
need to write codes (possibly in separate function) to plot the bar chart with py plot
in matplotlib and save the plot to current directory (refer save fig() method in
pyplot), and display it on the html page. If the value for the parameter
show_barchart_gender is False, the bar chart will not be created and

Modify the JavaScript functions in the lights_off.html file. When the html file is
opened in a browser, a grid of buttons is displayed with a button in the middle at position
(2,2) toggled.
The function toggle(i,j) switches the states of the button at position (i,j) between
the white “O” state (on) and the black “X” state (off).
Implement the following JavaScript functions:
press(i,j) – toggling the state of the button pressed at position (i,j) as well as
the state of buttons above, below, left and right of the button pressed as shown in
Figure 3. This function should also called the checkAllOff() function to
check if all buttons are in the off state.

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