This assignment focuses on Rebellion Against Parental Expectations. There is also an analysis of  Effects of Substance Abuse. So, must apply correct MLA format, quotes from at least four (4) sources (with in-text citations), and a Works Cited page.

Rebellion Against Parental Expectations – Effects of Substance Abuse

Why Do Children Rebel Against Parental Expectations?

Write a three (3) to six (6) page essay that argues your individual answer to the question,”Why Do Children Rebel Against Parental Expectations?” While the reading assignment sequence in this module addresses the issue of rebellion from a religious perspective. You may answer this question from one that relates more to your own observations. For example, you may decide to pursue the answer to this question from the perspective of any of the following: relationships substance abuse breaking curfew grades.  The final draft of your essay must apply correct MLA format, quotes from at least four (4) sources (with in-text citations), and a Works Cited page.

Rebellion Against Parental Expectations – Effects of Substance Abuse

While parental authority is easier to establish in your son’s or daughter’s childhood but as soon as adolescence steps in, trouble can be anticipated. Parental authority depends on two main tiers; leadership power and the ability to direct your child into the right diretion. Today it is not uncommon to see parents struggling to affect choices of your teens. ‘Give me a good reason’ and ‘I’ll do it later!’ .These phrases that often come out of the mouth of teens. Teens fight off parental authority and resist to be bound in limits just because they want to give their own independence a chance.

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