The assignment discusses Religious Hate Crime in England. Also, there is a description of Government Legislation and Policies. So, ensure the essay is descriptive.

Religious Hate Crime in England – Government Legislation and Policies

Description A critical discussion of hate crime targeting [ RELIGION] in England and Wales. For the essay I pickED RELIGION AS ONE of the hate crime’ strands. Having picked a topic area, i then need to provide a critical discussion relevant to the area of hate crime and discuss this within the context of the following questions: Firstly, what do we know about the scale and scope of the problem in England and Wales? Secondly, given what we know about the area you have identified, provide examples of legislation and policies that have implemented to tackle the problem and support victims. One Topic to picked, which ever will suit the essay writing best! Please could you create a title which would suit the topic question and characteristic, best.

Religious Hate Crime in England – Government Legislation and Policies

In summary the essay requires me to consider how we can understand the problem under consideration and then outline key policy developments, while providing an evaluation of their likely impact on the individuals, group or community and the wider society. This might include, for example, how prejudice manifests itself in hate crime and the response by third sector agencies and the criminal justice system. Assessment Criteria Assignments will be assessed against the following criteria · The extent to which they demonstrate an understanding of the subject matter · The extent to which they address the question · The extent to which they adopt an analytical approach, rather than a merely descriptive approach.

Religious Hate Crime in England – Government Legislation and Policies

All essays must contain appropriate referencing (Harvard style) with a full references list and be written in clear and appropriate English The essay required 2000 words which can go 10% above or below. I would prefer not to go below the word count of 2000, the more description and evaluation, the better! Please ensure the essay is descriptive and critically analysed extremely well. Also, please include references and the use of citations. moreover, correct use of punctuation and grammar. References are to be Harvard style. Please ensure the essay summaries the topic question and makes complete sense overall.

Religious Hate Crime in England – Government Legislation and Policies

The essay needs to have outstanding understanding of the question and arguing. The structure need to perfect! Please avoid plagiarism and paraphrasing original texts without re wording. Please ensure the essay meets the marking criteria.. I am required to get a first in this essay writing which is 80%. Please could you help me reach this grade with all your effort, I would really appreciate it! Further, I will be attaching files to support in essay writing. The attachments include some resources, and a marking criteria.

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