Create a draft for your final paper in this class is a research synthesis essay that will consist of research, analysis, drafting, and revising.  This essay is the final of the research you have been working on all class.

A research synthesis essay is not like an argumentative paper.  Your goal is not to persuade your audience but rather to analyze your sources in a way that allows you to draw some shared conclusions.

For example, if my writing prompt asks me to look at the effects of social media on relationships, I will want to examine sources that show me all of the impacts social media has on relationships of all sorts.  I will then find all the common themes that these sources share.  A research synthesis paper is not a summary rather an integration of common themes.

Diets: What are the physical and mental impacts of changing one’s diet?

If you choose this prompt, you should first define what dieting is.  Establish why dieting has such a strong presence in marketing.  You can choose to focus on either the positive impacts of dieting or the negative impacts or choose to do both.  Think about the reader when writing this essay.  What do you think they would like to know?