This assignment entails Brief Case p. 685-686. There is also a description of Reviewing StatCrunch plan. So,develop a problem statement that addresses the given problem in the scenario and contains quantifiable measures.

Brief Case p. 685-686 : Reviewing StatCrunch plan

– Read Brief Case p. 685-686 (attachments)
-Then, Review StatCrunch (data set attached). So, you will calculate the central tendency for the dependent variable,
– Develop a histogram of the gift amount and develop scatterplots for the gift amount for each independent variable. Save your calculations.
Besides,  Submit Introduction and Analysis Plan (3 pages)
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Introduction to the problem:

A. Provide a concise description of the scenario that you will be analyzing. The following questions might help you describe the scenario: What is the type of organization identified in the scenario? What is the organization’s history and problem identified in the scenario?

Brief Case p. 685-686 : Reviewing StatCrunch plan

II. Create an analysis plan to guide your analysis and decision making: In this section you will review the data set to inform the statistical method that will be used. To inform your responses in this section, calculate the central tendency of the dependent variable, develop a histogram of the gift amount and develop scatterplots for the gift amount for each independent variable.

Brief Case p. 685-686 : Reviewing StatCrunch plan

Firstly,  Identify any quantifiable factors that may be affecting the performance of operational processes.

Secondly,  develop a problem statement that addresses the given problem in the scenario and contains quantifiable measures.

Thirdly,  propose a strategy that addresses the problem of the organization in the given case study.

Detailed Instructions


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