This assignment focuses on Role of government in American Society. There is also a description of Republicans and Democrats views.

Role of government in American Society : Republicans and Democrats views

Role of the Government.  Firstly, how the Republicans and Democrats differ in their views towards the responsibilities of the government in American Society?. Secondly,What does these two political ideologies in vision for various government function, including taxation, military, civil rights, economy and poverty? So, answer the above question in the following key terms.One dimension of government is the burden of taxation.

Role of government in American Society : Republicans and Democrats views

In the early years of the 20th century, federal, state, and local governments took in revenues equal to 6 to 7 percent of the gross national product (GNP). By 1950, revenues had risen to 24 percent of GNP. So, over the past 40 years the tax proportion has drifted irregularly upward, and now stands at about 32 percent of GNP.

Role of government in American Society : Republicans and Democrats views

Many people seem to think that taxes were cut in the 1980s, perhaps because certain politicians worked hard to create the impression and to take credit for it. (Your paper must reference and explain all of these concepts): Roosevelts New Deals, Keynesian Model, Truman’s Reconversion, Eisenhower’s Middle Ground, Johnson Great Society, Reagan’s Reaganomics.

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