This assignment talks about the Role of Procurement &Supply Market. There is also discussion on Sourcing Plan Strategies. Thus, examine if this commodity will develop a sourcing plan, defining the role of procurement and supply in managing expenditures within direct materials, and explain the correlation between the direct materials consumption plan and production forecast.

Role of Procurement & Supply Market – Sourcing Plan Strategies

This report is an integrative assignment of the Corporate Award Program module five. It is focusing on the procurement and supply function at the Nigeria Republic Basic Industries Corporation (NRPCO). It begins by introducing NRPCO Corporation structure and corporate functions. As well, addressing the relationship between procurement, and NRPCO’s manufacturing affiliates. The report defines three commodities of expenditure at NRPCO. Additionally, it focuses on direct materials commodity. Examine this commodity will develop a sourcing plan, defining the role of procurement and supply in managing expenditures within direct materials. Moreover, explain the correlation between the direct materials consumption plan and production forecast.

Role of Procurement & Supply Market – Sourcing Plan Strategies

The report will underline the inputs made by stakeholders through classifying their engagement. This is with a sourcing plan based on their level of interest and power to contribute. Further, it will outline techniques for adding value to this type of expenditure. Also, through McKinney 7S Framework to restructure organization. Further, in classifying purchasing categories based on two main factors of the Kraljic Matrix, the importance of the purchase and the complexity of the supply market. Additionally, the report will cover inclusions such as material specification. This should be made in future contracts, a four-step measures to select effective suppliers, and aspects of purchase or supply that may require negotiation through four strategies. 


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