This assignment focuses on Spanish-American War influence on Diet and nutrition on the home front . There is also a description of aspect of Civil rights activism.

Spanish-American War influence : aspect of Civil rights activism

Topic: How did the Spanish-American War, World War I OR World War II influence (choose one): An aspect of Civil rights activism or racial relations? US Foreign Policy? Diet and nutrition on the home front? Labor and workforce Gender norms/roles in wartime and po.Major newspaper owners—including Joseph Pulitzer of the New York World and William Randolph Hearst of the New York Journal—viewed public interest in the war as an opportunity to sell newspapers.

Spanish-American War influence : aspect of Civil rights activism

Therefore, the papers, in a circulation war, featured sensational coverage and attention-grabbing photographs of events in Cuba. Although the cause of the explosion of the USS Maine was unknown, for example, New York newspapers blamed Spain. Historians
once held that biased coverage of the war, often referred to as yellow journalism, was a cause of the
war. Today, however, historians find less evidence for that claim. At the time of the war’s outbreak, film was a new medium, and the conflict became a popular topic. So, Short films showed such scenes as servicemen exercising, Theodore Roosevelt and the Rough Riders on their horses, and funeral processions of dead soldiers. 


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