The assignment describes State and Local Policy and Leadership. Besides, there is a description of LOCAL Government Public Admin. So, evaluate the impact of effective leadership.

State and Local Policy and Leadership – LOCAL Government Public Admin

So, this is a case study used to support the assigned topic of a LOCAL Government Public Admin.
Overview. Firstly, statesmen must lead in the wake of a host of new challenges, which include federal mandates, and public distrust. Thirdly, developing strategies to meet those challenges will prove both essential and challenging. Also, this week’s focus is on evaluating leadership strategies because of the challenges confronting leaders at the state level.

State and Local Policy and Leadership – LOCAL Government Public Admin

So, learning Outcomes. Also, Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

Evaluate the impact of effective leadership on public sector employees
Assess leadership strategies
Discuss behaviors necessary of leaders to build trust.
Reading and Study
Van Horn: chs. 4 –5 – Van Horn, C.E. (2006). The state of the states (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: CQ Press, Sage Publications.
Nelson & Stenberg: ch.5 – Nelson, K. L., & Stenberg, C.W. (2018). Managing local government (1st ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: CQ Press, Sage Publications.
Please see example of my first case study.
Attached is the grading rubric and instructions.
Thank you

Detailed Instructions


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