Written in the 3rd person (avoid “I”, “you” etc) • Written in an academic style (avoid journalistic/sales type of speech/slogans/slang etc)

• Written with enough clarity that someone OTHER than your Project Supervisor will be able to follow the work you have done

• Spell checked & grammar checked • Sections and pages should be numbered

• Listing References: You should use the Harvard convention and arrange alphabetically Typical Structure This may have slight variations depending on the type of dissertation. However, the following is a general example:

• Cover Page: include Module name and code; Title of your project; Your name and student ID; Word count • Abstract (200 words, +/-10%): this should briefly describe the scope of your dissertation, the question being asked and conclusions reached.

• Contents Page: include Table of Contents, List of Figures (not included in word count) • Introduction: Brief description of the background, aim(s) & objectives of the dissertation and a clear statement of the question(s) that you analyse and the methodology you are using. The objectives and methods should be justified in the main body of the dissertation under ‘methodology’.

• Main body of the dissertation: (Literature Revie​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‌‌‍‍​w, Methodology, Data Analysis/discussions) should be numbered with section headings and subheadings, as necessary (this would be expected to represent the largest part of the dissertation ie at least 2800 words in a 4,000 word dissertation). Data analysis and discussion part should be ideally constructed based on each objective.

Objective 1: analysis and discussion,

Objective 2: analysis and discussion. •

Conclusion/Recommendations: this needs to be linked to the preceding analysis highlighting key findings and any limitations. • List of References: Using Harvard convention and alphabetically ordered (not included in word count). • Appendices: only include items (data, that have been used fairly extensively in the body of your dissertation (not included in word count) LO1 Analyse new novel or abstract data using an appropriate range of established subject-specific techniques. Judge the reliability, validity and significance of evidence to support conclusions and/or recommendations.

Suggest reasons for contradictory data/results. LO2 Identifies principles and concepts underlying theoretical frameworks and methodological approaches, identifying their strengths and weaknesses. LO3 Apply knowledge in unfamiliar contexts, synthesising ideas or information to generate novel solutions. Achieves a body of work or practice that is coherent and resolved. LO4 Acts with minimal supervision or direction within agreed guideline, taking responsibility for accessing support and accepting accountability f​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‌‌‍‍​or determining and achieving personal outcomes.